What are Soft Rebonding, Volume Rebonding and the other types?

Do you know that there are many types of rebonding?

From soft rebonding to volume rebonding, they create different results. Gone were the days when rebonding only gives a full head of super straight flat hair. Our experienced hairstylists used their advanced techniques to create natural silky straight hair, even with curls at the ends.

Find out the different types of rebonding services that we provide:

Volume Rebonding

Volume rebonding is popular among women, thanks to K-dramas. It is a type of chemical hair treatment that is designed to straighten wavy hair while adding volume and body to the hair. It is a specialized technique that is often used on fine or limp hair that lacks volume.

This type of rebonding gives a silky straight hair by rebonding at the top and perming the ends for bouncy curls, creating the effect of voluminous and feminine look.

volume rebonding

C-Curl or S-Curl Rebonding

C-Curl or S-curl Rebonding are ones of the most popular types of volume rebonding among our customers.

This rebonding process typically involves applying a straightening solution to the hair, followed by a curling solution that is used to add the “C” or “S” curl pattern. The hair is then rinsed and neutralized to lock in the new shape.

The result is hair that is straight and smooth, but with a gentle, natural-looking “C” or “S” curl pattern that adds body and movement. This can be a great option for people who want to maintain some texture in their hair to create the romantic look , rather than having it completely straightened.

s-curl rebonding

Soft Rebonding

Soft rebonding is a milder version of the conventional normal rebonding.

Because we use gentler hair chemicals that is less harsh than traditional hair rebonding, and less heat, it is often preferred by people with delicate or fine hair.

Soft rebonding effectively eliminates the kinks in the hair and fizziness to create a more natural-looking straightened effect, without the hair looking stiff and flat.

soft rebonding

Normal Rebonding

Normal rebonding is the conventional type of rebonding that gives the straight and sleek look.

To achieve the super straight effect, normal rebonding uses different chemicals and higher heat than soft rebonding. This is a great option for people who have naturally curly or wavy hair and want to achieve a more polished look.


Check out our rebonding price list.

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